Patent Attorneys and Attorneys at Law
Competence in commercial legal protection since 1963

Our fields of activity


Trademarks and other signs

We counsel our clients in all matters of protection of trade marks and other designations. This includes the development of a comprehensive in-house trade mark policy as well as the enforcement of trade marks and trade names against piracy and other infringements. More specifically, we are concerned with:

    • review­ing pro­tect­a­bil­ity and reg­is­tra­bil­ity of trade marks and other designations
    • searches into prior rights
    • fil­ing of trade mark appli­ca­tions in Ger­many and as Euro­pean Com­mu­nity Trade Marks, Inter­na­tional Trade Marks and national trade marks world­wide
    • per­ma­nent mon­i­tor­ing of new appli­ca­tions for con­flicts with reg­is­tered marks
    • oppo­si­tions against con­flict­ing new reg­is­tra­tions
    • defend­ing trade marks against infringe­ment and chal­lenges against reg­is­tra­tions
    • can­cel­la­tion pro­ceed­ings against third party trade marks
    • pro­tec­tion of appel­la­tions of ori­gin, com­pany sym­bols and titles of works